  BIND 9.9.0rc1 is the first release candidate for BIND 9.9.
  This document summarizes changes from BIND 9.8 to BIND 9.9.  Please
  see the CHANGES file in the source code release for a complete
  list of all changes.

  The latest versions of BIND 9 software can always be found on our
  web site at There you will find
  additional information about each release, source code, and
  pre-compiled versions for Microsoft Windows operating systems.


  Product support information is available on for paid support options.
  Free support is provided by our user community via a mailing list.
  Information on all public email lists is available at

Security Fixes

  - BIND 9 nameservers performing recursive queries could cache an
    invalid record and subsequent queries for that record could crash
    the resolvers with an assertion failure. [RT #26590] [CVE-2011-4313]

New Features

  - NXDOMAIN redirection is now possible. This enables a resolver
    to respond to a client with locally-configured information when
    a query would otherwise have gotten an answer of "no such domain".
    This allows a recursive nameserver to provide alternate suggestions
    for misspelled domain names.  Note that names that are in
    DNSSEC-signed domains are exempted from this when validation is
    in use. [RT #23146]

  - Improved scalability by using multiple threads to listen for and
    process queries. Previously named only listened for queries on
    one thread regardless of the number of overall threads used. [RT

  - Improves startup and reconfiguration time by allowing zones to
    load in multiple threads.  [RT #25333]

  - Improves initial start-up and server reload time by increasing
    the default size of the hash table the configuration parser uses
    to keep track of loaded zones and allowing it to grow dynamically
    to better handle systems with large numbers of zones.  [RT #26523]

  - Improves the startup time for an authoritative server with a large
    number of zones by making the zone task table of variable size
    rather than fixed size.  This means that authoritative servers
    with many zones will be serving that zone data much sooner. [RT

  - The new "inline-signing" option, in combination with the "auto-dnssec"
    option that was introduced in BIND 9.7, allows named to sign zones
    completely transparently.  Previously automatic zone signing only
    worked on master zones that were configured to be dynamic; now,
    it works on any master or slave zone. In a master zone with inline
    signing, the zone is loaded from disk as usual, and a second copy
    of the zone is created to hold the signed version.  The original
    zone file is not touched; all comments remain intact.  When you
    edit the zone file and reload, named detects the incremental
    changes that have been made to the raw version of the zone, and
    applies those changes to the signed version, adding signatures
    as needed. A slave zone with inline signing works similarly,
    except that instead of loading the zone from disk and then signing
    it, the slave transfers the zone from a master server and then
    signs it.  This enables "bump in the wire" signing: a dedicated
    signing server acting as an intermediary between a hidden master
    server (which provides the raw zone data) and a set of publicly
    accessible slave servers (which only serve the signed data). [RT

  - "rndc flushtree <name>" command removes the specified name and
    all names under it from the cache. [RT #19970]

  - "rndc sync" command dumps pending changes in a dynamic zone to
    disk without a freeze/thaw cycle. "rndc sync -clean" removes the
    journal file after syncing. "rndc freeze" no longer removes journal
    files. [RT #22473]

  - The new "rndc signing" command provides greater visibility and
    control of the automatic DNSSEC signing process.  Options to this
    new command include "-list <zone>" which will show the current
    state of signing operations overall or per specified zone. [RT

  - The "also-notify" option now takes the same syntax as "masters",
    thus it can use named master lists and TSIG keys. [RT #23508]

  - "auto-dnssec" zones can now have NSEC3 parameters set prior to
    signing. [RT #23684]

  - The "dnssec-signzone -D" option causes dnssec-signzone to write
    DNSSEC data to a separate output file. This allows you to put
    "$INCLUDE" into the zonefile for,
    run "dnssec-signzone -SD", and the result is a fully
    signed zone which did *not* overwrite your original zone file.
    Running the same command again will incrementally re-sign the
    zone, replacing only those signatures that need updating, rather
    than signing the entire zone from scratch. [RT #22896]

  - "dnssec-signzone -R" forces removal of signatures that are not
    expired but were created by a key which no longer exists. [RT

  - "dnssec-signzone -X" option allows signatures on DNSKEY records
    to have a different expiration date from other signatures.  This
    makes it more convenient to keep your KSK on a separate system,
    and resign the zone with it less frequently. [RT #22141]

  - "-L" option to dnssec-keygen, dnssec-settime, and dnssec-keyfromlabel
    sets the default TTL for the key when it is converted into a
    DNSKEY RR. [RT #23304]

  - "dnssec-dsfromkey -f -" allows for reading keys from standard
    input, making it easier to convert DNSKEY records to DS.  Example
     "dig +noall +answer dnskey | dnssec-dsfromkey -f -"
    [RT #20662]

  - The 'serial-update-method' option allows dynamic zones to have
    their SOA serial number set to the current UNIX time if desired,
    rather than simply incrementing the serial number with each change
    to the zone. [RT #23849]

  - Per RFC 6303, RFC 1918 reverse zones are now part of the built-in
    list of empty zones. [RT #24990]

  - Added support for Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) resource
    records [RT #23386]

  - Client requests using TSIG now log the name of the TSIG key used.
    [RT #23619]

  - Add a 'named -U' option to set the number of UDP listener threads
    per interface. [RT #26485]

  - dnssec-signzone: "-f -" prints to stdout; "-O full" option prints
    in single-line-per-record format.  [RT #20287]

  - Add a configuration switch "dnssec-lookaside 'no'" to set explicitly
    the current default behavior.  [RT #24858]

  - 'rndc querylog' can now be given an on/off parameter instead of
    only being used as a toggle. [RT #18351]

  - When the server logs messages about the state of recursive client
    processing, it will include the name the client had requested in
    the log messages, to make it easier to identify problems when
    they occur. Such log messages will now look similar to this one:
    03-Nov-2011 14:14:44.981 client (
    send Several RPZ feature improvements have been made.  Highlights
    are a new "rpz" logging channel and RPZ CNAME RDATA can now include
    wildcards.  [RT #25172]

  - Enables DLZ modules to retrieve client information so that responses
    can be changed depending on the source address of the query.  For
    more information see contrib/dlz/example/README.  (Note that this
    change will be of limited interest to most BIND users - it is
    intended for developers who are working with DLZ) [RT #25768/26215]

  - Feature Changes Local copies of slave zones are now saved in raw
    format by default to improve startup performance.  The option
    'masterfile-format text;' can be used to override the default if
    desired. [RT #25867]

  - BIND 9.9 changes the default storage format for slave zone files
    from text to raw.  Because named's behavior when a slave server
    cannot read or parse a zone file is to move the offending file
    out of the way and retransfer the zone, slave servers that are
    updated from a pre-9.9.0 version of BIND and which have existing
    copies of slave zone data may wind up with extraneous copies of
    zone data stored, as the existing text-format zone file copies
    will be moved aside to filenames of the format db-###### and
    journal files to the format jn-######  (where # represents a
    hexadecimal digit.)  [RT #27058]

  - dig has been modified to produce more human readable and parsable
    DNSSEC data output. DNSKEY record comments are more verbose and
    no longer used in multiline mode only, multiline RRSIG records
    are now reformatted, multiline output mode for NSEC3PARAM records
    is now supported. New related options in dig are "+nocomments"
    to suppress DNSKEY comments, "+split=X" will break hex/base64
    records into fields of width X, and "+nosplit" causes RDATA fields
    to not be split at all. [RT #22820] dig now defaults to using
    options "+adflag" and "+edns=0" which better reflect the behaviour
    of BIND and many other modern nameservers when recursing.
    Additionally "+dnssec" will be automatically enabled when running
    "dig +trace". [RT #23497]

  - RFC 1918 empty zones will now be configured automatically.  Named
    will attempt to determine if an RFC 1918 zone already exists or
    is active and will not create an empty zone in that case.  In
    prior versions, these were switched on with the empty-zones-enable
    option.  [RT #27139] Extends the header of raw-format master files
    to include the serial number of the zone from which they were
    generated, if different (as in the case of inline-signing zones).
    This is needed by change #3252 to track changes between the
    unsigned and signed versions of the zone, which may have different
    serial numbers if zone files are updated when the server is
    offline.  Note that this change means that raw zonefiles generated
    by this version of  BIND are no longer compatble with prior
    versions.   To generate a backward-compatible raw zonefile using
    dnssec-signzone or named-compilezone, specify output format "raw=0"
    instead of simply "raw".  [RT #26587]

  - Option request-ixfr can now be specified at zone level.  Using
    option ixfr-from-differences on a slave server no longer causes
    it to default to requesting AXFR-style transfers.  (This change
    was added as part of the implementation of inline-signing)  
    [RT #25156]

  - --enable-developer, a new composite argument to the configure
    script, enables a set of build options normally disabled but
    frequently selected in test or development builds, specifically:
    enable_fixed_rrset, with_atf, enable_filter_aaaa, enable_rpz_nsip,
    enable_rpz_nsdname, and with_dlz_filesystem (and on Linux and
    Darwin, also enable_exportlib) [RT #27103]

  - Support for readline has been added to nslookup and nsupdate -
    see ./configure for options at build time.  In addition, the
    syntax of nslookup has been streamlined by making "update" and
    "prereq" optional [RT #24659] The logging level for DNSSEC
    validation failures due to expired or not-yet-valid RRSIGs has
    been increased to log level "info" to make it easier to diagnose
    these problems.  Examples of the new log messages are given below:

    03-Nov-2011 22:40:55.335 validating @0x7fccc401e5a0: A: verify failed due to bad
    signature (keyid=19442): RRSIG has expired

    03-Nov-2011 22:41:31.335 validating @0x12b5d80: A: verify failed due to bad
    signature (keyid=19442): RRSIG validity period has not begun

    [RT #21796]

  - When logging messages about the state of  recursive client
    processing, named now includes in its log entries the name the
    client requested to make troubleshooting easier. [RT #25944]

  - This change can reduce the time when a server is unavailable
    during "rndc reconfig" for servers with large and complex
    configurations.  This is achieved by completing the parsing of
    the configuration files in entirety before entering the exclusive
    phase.  (Note that it does not reduce the total time spent in
    "rndc reconfig", and it has no measurable impact on server initial
    start-up times.) [RT  #21373]

  - Bug Fixes dnssec-signzone -t now records timestamps just before
    and just after signing, improving the accuracy of signing statistics.
    [RT #16030]

  - If allow-new-zones was set to yes and ACLs were given names,
    issuing "rndc reconfig" could cause named to crash. [RT #22739]

  - When a validating resolver received a NODATA response for DNSKEY,
    it was not caching the NODATA. Fixed and test added. [RT #22908]

  - Using Response Policy Zone (RPZ) with DNAME records and querying
    the subdomain of that label could cause named to crash; named now
    logs that DNAME is not supported. [RT #24766]

  - If "ixfr-from-differences" is set to no and a dynamic zone's
    serial number has been changed, "rndc thaw" will now remove the
    zone's journal file. [RT #24687]

  - RT #23136 (CHANGES #3114) fixed a problem where named would delete
    old signatures even when the private key wasn't available to
    re-sign the zone, resulting in a zone with missing signatures.
    However, the initial fix was found to be incomplete particularly
    when multiple algorithms may have been used. [RT #24577]

  - named would log warnings that empty zones may fail to transfer
    to slaves due to serial number 0. These spurious errors have now
    been silenced. [RT #25079]

  - corrected memory leaks and out of order operations that could
    cause named to crash during a normal shutdown. [RT #25210]

  - Change #3186 was incomplete; dns_db_rpz_findips() could fail to
    set the database version correctly, causing an assertion failure.
    [RT #26180]

  - Correct a behavior introduced in 9.9.0a3 whereby 'rndc recursing'
    could cause a core dump. [RT #26495]

  - resolver.c:validated() was not thread-safe. [RT #26478]

  - Correct a situation in rbtdb.c: where failure to remove a node
    from the deadnodes list prior to adding a reference to it could
    lead to a possible assertion failure. [RT #23219] Canceling the
    oldest query due to recursive-client overload could trigger an
    assertion failure. [RT #26463]

  - NOEDNS caching on timeout was too agressive.  [RT #26416]

  - Clarify the error message reported when the config parser cannot
    open a file.  [RT #22263]

  - A query structure could be used after being freed. [RT #22208]

  - zone.c:zone_refreshkeys() could fail to detach references correctly
    when errors occurred, causing a hang on shutdown. [RT #26372]

  - named-compilezone now longer emits "dump zone to <file>" message
    when writing to stdout.  [RT #27109]

  - Sets isc_socket_ipv6only() on the IPv6 control channels.  This
    addresses IPv6 socket binding problems that can occur in some
    configurations when bindv6only=1 is set globally.   [RT #22249]

  - named now reports a syntax error when a TXT record longer than
    255 characters is configured.  [RT #26956]

  - Master zones using inline-signing can now be updated when the
    server is offline without losing sychronization between signed
    and un-signed zones.  This has been achieved via change #3242
    which extends the raw-format master file header to include the
    serial number of the zone from which the signed zone was generated.
    [RT #26676]

  - In 9.9, the "also-notify" option uses the same syntax as "masters"
    allowing it to make use of master lists and TSIG keys.  This
    release corrects a bug in the alpha and beta releases of 9.9 that
    would prevent named from starting if an empty "also-notify" list
    was used. [RT #27087]

  - Suppresses spurious errors that could be generated when freezing
    and thawing a dynamic zone with uncommitted updates and
    ixfr-from-differences set.  named no longer reports 'unchanged
    serials' unless there were other changes found when thawing the
    zone.  [RT #26845]

  - Addresses race conditions in the resolver code that can cause
    named to abort.   [RT #26889]

  - Prevents DNSKEY state change events from being missed by ensuring
    that the timestamps used to determine which keys are in use are
    set appropriately.  [RT #26874]

  - When processing a list of keys, named now consistently compares
    them with the same timestamp. [RT #26883]

  - Fixes a bug that could cause named to crash while loading a zone
    with invalid DNSKEY records.  [RT #26913]

  - Prevents  dig -6 +trace from terminating with an error when
    encountering a root nameserver without an AAAA record. RT #26906]

  - "rndc freeze/thaw" now operates on the raw rather than the signed
    zone (similar to update processing) so that it works properly for
    inline-signed zones.  [RT #26632]

  - An unusual corner-case buffer handling issue in zone transfers
    is corrected.  The symptom was that zones that contain record
    types that do not compress when converted to wire format could
    fail to transfer.  [RT #26796]

  - Addresses a selection of minor resource leaks that were identified
    via code checking tools but which have not been reported from any
    production environments.  [RT #26624]

  - The performance enhancement to add multiple listener threads could
    cause spurious "setsockopt(517, IPV6_V6ONLY) failed" messages to
    be emitted. These messages are now suppressed. [RT #26507]

  - rndc argument parsing has been improved to prevent unexpected
    results including named crashes if "rndc signing" is used with
    incorrect or missing arguments.  [RT #26684]

  - Prevents intermittent coredumps on shutdown due to referencing
    fetch context after it's been freed.  [RT #26720]

  - Servers that received negative responses from a forwarder were
    failing to cache the answers correctly, resulting in multiple
    queries for the same non-existent name being sent to the forwarders
    instead of answers being provided to clients from cache (until
    TTL expiry).   [RT #25380]

  - Fixes a problem whereby "rndc dumpdb" could cause an assertion
    failure and abort by attempting to print an empty rdataset.  [RT

  - Corrects a problem validating root DS responses. [RT #25726]

  - Fixes a bug in zone.c where failure to delete signatures could
    lead to an assertion failure and subsequent abort.  [RT #25880]

  - Master servers that had previously been marked as unreachable
    because of failed zone transfer attempts will now be removed from
    the "unreachable" list (i.e. considered reachable again) if the
    slave receives a NOTIFY message from them. [RT #25960]

  - The management of named's recursive client lists has been reworked
    to reduce performance bottlenecks due to lock contention in this
    area (which particularly impacted busy servers with large numbers
    of threads).  [RT #26044]

  - Fixes a problem with the computation of tags for revoked keys.
    [RT #26186]

  - named now correctly validates DNSSEC positive wildcard responses
    from NSEC3 signed zones. [RT #26200]

  - Some query patterns could cause responses not to be returned in
    cyclic order though "rrset-order cyclic" was set.  [RT #27170/27185]

Thank You

  Thank you to everyone who assisted us in making this release
  possible. If you would like to contribute to ISC to assist us in
  continuing to make quality open source software, please visit our
  donations page at

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