On Tue, January 10, 2012 08:04, Drunkard Zhang wrote:
> I am designing a big deploy system, which will implement via DNS. The
> demond is misc, one of them is conditionally resolve, which means that
> if one CDN node near unavailable, or latency increased significantly,
> no matter why, I want bind to give another second best result, which
> located in distant places.
> Is bind support this natively? Or I have to write external program?
> If bind doesn't support, is there any other DNS impletions I can try?
> _______________________________________________

F5 have an entire product range of Load Balancers, which with a
combination of Link Controllers, Global Traffic Managers as well as
standard Local Traffic load-balancing can control traffic in a
particularly fine-grained way. Their product range is utlised by quite a
few big-players in conjunction with CDNs such as Akamai etc...
 suspect their pricing will turn out to be quite expensive, but if you
need specific 'dynamic' DNS resolution, based on latency, client IP
geo-location etc... then they are the commercial solution I would

I am sure that many other companies have similar product offerings (so as
not to make this a specific plug for a commercial product on a
non-commercial mailing list).

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