
I have a problem with the load on my Bind. Normally it's fine, but from time to 
time there are clients which causes through a misconfiguration or a failed 
local service (not intentionally) a very high amount of queries. After finding 
and informing the responsible person this problem is mostly solved in short 

One of these cases my DNS server can handle, but sometimes there is more than 
one of these cases at the same time and I have a load problem which causing 
problems for all clients of my DNS servers.

My question:
Is there any possibility in Bind to give a quoata to a client? e.g. that from a 
given IP no more than houndred queries per second are allowed and the rest is 
to be blackholed.

That way only the client causing the load would have a problem but not all 
other clients.

Is there such a possibility? I found nothing in the documentation. Or are there 
other ways to achive this? How do you guys do this?

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