Hi All

 i am running  Bind version 9.8.1  as an Authoritative Name server. From
the rndc.stats , i observe that there are some query failures happening
in the server. I am trying to get a detailed information of this query
failures, but the current logging options is not allowing me to get a
report on the reason of failure. I tried enabling detailed logs, but that
is also not providing me which all queries failed with  NXDOMAIN ,

 Please find  the ouptut of named.stats and Logging options enabled in

Output of /chroot/named/conf/named.stats

+++ Statistics Dump +++ (1326803941)
++ Incoming Requests ++
               75808 QUERY
++ Incoming Queries ++
               75786 A
                  22 PTR
++ Outgoing Queries ++
[View: default]
                7374 A
               13410 NS
                  97 PTR
[View: _bind]
++ Name Server Statistics ++
               75808 IPv4 requests received
               75781 requests with ADNS(0) received
               75019 responses sent
               75003 responses with ADNS(0) sent
                2848 queries resulted in successful answer
               72340 queries resulted in authoritative answer
                2239 queries resulted in non authoritative answer
                 440 queries resulted in SERVFAIL
               71731 queries resulted in NXDOMAIN
                3466 queries caused recursion
                 789 duplicate queries received
++ Zone Maintenance Statistics ++
++ Resolver Statistics ++
[View: default]
               20881 IPv4 queries sent
                5283 IPv4 responses received
                 111 NXDOMAIN received
                2533 SERVFAIL received
               16195 query retries
               15598 query timeouts
                 450 IPv4 NS address fetches
                   6 IPv4 NS address fetch failed
                4226 queries with RTT < 10ms
                  17 queries with RTT 10-100ms
                 869 queries with RTT 100-500ms
                  82 queries with RTT 500-800ms
                  37 queries with RTT 800-1600ms
                  52 queries with RTT > 1600ms
[View: _bind]
++ Cache DB RRsets ++
[View: default]
                  72 A
                  24 NS
                   5 CNAME
                   5 NXDOMAIN
[View: _bind (Cache: _bind)]
++ Socket I/O Statistics ++
               20886 UDP/IPv4 sockets opened
                   4 TCP/IPv4 sockets opened
               20883 UDP/IPv4 sockets closed
                3910 TCP/IPv4 sockets closed
                   2 UDP/IPv4 socket bind failures
               20881 UDP/IPv4 connections established
                3911 TCP/IPv4 connections accepted
++ Per Zone Query Statistics ++
--- Statistics Dump --- (1326803941)

Logging options in /etc/named.conf

// Logging options
logging {
        // logging option for named  process
        channel "default_debug" {
        file "/logs/named.log" versions 10 size 500m;
        print-time yes;
        print-category yes;
        severity dynamic;

            channel "queries" {         // logging option for queries to
            file "/logs/query.log" versions 20 size 500m;
            print-time yes;
            print-category yes;
            severity dynamic;

      category default { "default_debug"; };
      category queries { null; };   // comment this line to log queries
      category queries { "queries"; };    // uncomment this to log queries
      category config { "default_debug"; };
      category security { "default_debug"; };
      category network { "default_debug"; };
      category lame-servers { null; };
      category general { null; };
      category edns-disabled { null; };


Kindly let me know the procedure to follow/options to enabled in logs  to
get a detailed report of queries w.r.to  the following lines.

   440 queries resulted in SERVFAIL
   71731 queries resulted in NXDOMAIN
   6 IPv4 NS address fetch failed

Thanks in advance.


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