As Evan mentioned earlier, we are coming close to releasing a final BIND 9.9.0. 
 It's scheduled to go to our Forum members on the 7th of February and as a 
public release about a week later.

Some inline signing defects were resolved earlier this week, and we've released 
9.9.0RC2.  This release candidate includes fixes for all major defects reported 
in inline signing and other features.

We prefer to give at least two weeks between the final RC and the release.  
However, due to our use of improved code testing in our development process, 
and that most of the inline signing bugs were found earlier in the release 
cycle than is typical, we feel confident that this shortened RC-to-release time 
is a fairly safe choice to make.

The 9.9.0 pre-releases have been the most user-tested of any of our releases to 
date, and we appreciate each and every tester's valuable time.  But, we are 
asking for more.  More testers, more reports of success, and of course of 
failures.  The more people who test 9.9.0 RC2 before February the 7th, the 
better the release will be. While we hope for no major defects, we'd rather 
know of them than not.

Please head on over to and give it a 
try.  If you don't want to send mail to this list for success or failure 
stories, sending them to me personally will get them to the right place.

Thank you everyone for helping us make great software even better.


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