On Feb 3, 2012, at 9:53 AM, Cricket Liu wrote:

> On Feb 3, 2012, at 7:25 AM, Bill Owens wrote:
>> On Fri, Feb 03, 2012 at 10:04:19AM -0500, Lear, Karen (Evolver) wrote:
>>> Who would be responsible for opening a trouble report to GoDaddy?  I don't 
>>> understand exactly what the problem is here.
>> It looks, from the outside, as though the Oppedahl Patent Law Firm LLC uses 
>> GoDaddy for DNS registration, DNS server hosting, and web server hosting. 
>> They're also DNSSEC-signing their domain (for which they should be praised ;)
>> The GoDaddy DNS servers are distributed around the network in various 
>> colocation sites, and reachable by IP anycast, which means that a number of 
>> different hosts will answer queries as if they were 'dns1.oppedahl.com', 
>> they are all reachable over the same IP address, and normal IP routing takes 
>> your DNS queries to the closest one. When I query for oppedahl.com, I use 
>> servers in Chicago and they work fine. When you're trying to query for 
>> oppedahl.com, you're likely using the same Washington, DC area server that 
>> Florian was using, and it is broken; it doesn't respond to queries that use 
>> EDNS0, and therefore can't handle DNSSEC. 
> This is consistent with something I noticed earlier:  DNSViz validates 
> oppedahl.com's chain of trust without a problem, but Verisign Labs' DNSSEC 
> Debugger reports no response from oppedahl.com's name servers.  DNSViz is 
> hosted by Sandia, presumably in New Mexico, while Verisign Labs is in the 
> D.C. area.
> Running an anycast instance that doesn't support EDNS0, though?  Yeesh!

A brief update:  Go Daddy says they've checked and it's not their fault, that 
their East Coast name servers do support EDNS0, but Verisign's DNSSEC Debugger 
is now magically not spewing errors when I test oppedahl.com.

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