On 09/03/12 16:23, Matthew Huff wrote:
Anyone have any suggestions/best practices/config examples for DNS load
balancing for internal use on CISCO ACE blades?

I’ve got the standard example working, but wondered about keepalive
frequency, timeouts, fragments, etc…

Anyone got any examples they use that they could share?

We do transparent LB; the servers all have the service VIP as a /32 on their loopback interface. The packet flow is:

Req: client -> ace -> dns server
Rsp: dns server -> client

This has the advantage that the DNS servers don't have to sit "behind" the ACE.

We then use this config:

probe tcp TCP_53_RECDNS
  ip address <the service VIP>
  port 53
  interval 10
serverfarm host INTERNAL-DNS
  predictor leastconns
  probe TCP_53_RECDNS
  rserver RSERVER1 53
  rserver RSERVER2 53
  rserver RSERVER3 53
  rserver RSERVER4 53

class-map match-any VIP_RECURSIVE-DNS
  2 match virtual-address <the service VIP> udp eq domain
  3 match virtual-address <the service VIP> tcp eq domain
policy-map type loadbalance first-match SLB_INTERNAL-DNS
  class class-default
    serverfarm INTERNAL-DNS

policy-map multi-match VIPS_VLANXX
    loadbalance vip inservice
    loadbalance policy SLB_INTERNAL-DNS
    loadbalance vip icmp-reply
    loadbalance vip advertise

We didn't fiddle with the keepalive, probes, or anything else. It's been very well behaved in this config.
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