On Mar 13 2012, hugo hugoo wrote:

Thanks for this clear feedback.

I understand the problem if the subdomain is not on the same name servers
as the domain. The NS record is needed to could find the subdomain on the
other name server.

You said that the NS is not mandatory (it will work fine in the short term)
in case of the same name server for the domai nand the subdomain. But how
does it work then if no NS is found?

When asked about "tutu.titi.toto.be", the "be" nameservers give a referral
to the nameservers for "toto.be". When *they* are asked, if they are already
authoritative for the zone "titi.toto.be", they can answer the question
without giving another referral.

But as has been pointed out, such a configuration is horribly fragile. The
set of nameservers (official *and* unofficial) for the zones have to be
the same, and it won't work anyway if the zones are signed, and so on.

One question to ask is: if the set of nameservers for "toto.be" and
"titi.toto.be" are now and for evermore going to be the same, why would
you want to make them separate zones at all? A single zone can have
domain names nested as deep as you like[*] without you needing to make
a zone cut.

[*] subject to the overall limit of 253 characters on the fully
   qualified name

Chris Thompson
Email: c...@cam.ac.uk
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