Zitat von Romgo <ro...@free.fr>:

All right.

this seems to correct the issue.
But that's the first time I had to open the firewall for a packet answer.


It is a somewhat special case. UDP by itself is not stateful at all so any stateful firewall have to use some timeout values to decide if the "connection" is alive or not. The timeout is set really short most of the time to not run out of resources because there can be many UDP "connections" and most of them are only two packets big (one out, one incoming). On the other hand a DNS query can take a lot of time until a answer packet is on the way, so it might get dropped because "closed" connection. Normaly you would not notice at all because DNS is designed to cope with failed/timeout querys and the next attempt is more faster because of caching and finally get through. So basically you have two options:
- Ignore the dropped packets
- Do not use stateful tracking for DNS



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