On 10 May 2012, at 09:47, Ben wrote:

> I just enable bind as caching name server and when watching logs i got below 
> erros.

        You seem to be noticing 3 kinds of error.

        "Network unreachable" messages refer only to IPv6 destinations.
        Perhaps you have IPv6 enabled on the system where you're running
        named, but don't have any external IPv6 connectivity?

        "Connection refused" or "format error" (duplicated confusingly as
        "FORMERR") indicate that a remote name server has refused to handle
        your request or has sent a badly-formed response.  You can expect
        to see these all the time when you run a resolver.  There are
        broken and misconfigured servers out there!

        I hope this helps.

        Niall O'Reilly

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