On Thu, 21 Jun 2012, Shawn Bakhtiar wrote:

Did you turn OFF SELinux?

That is not neccessary.

I ran the tests with selinux enabled:

E:zonechecks:Thu Jun 21 17:23:31 EDT 2012
I:System test result summary:
I:         2 FAIL
I:        45 PASS
I:         2 SKIPPED

Looking at the failed test and interesting output

tests.sh: line 130: 31718 Aborted                 (core dumped)
$NSUPDATE -l -p 5300 -k ns1/session.key > nsupdate.out 2>&1  <<END
update add other.nil. 600 in ns ns6.other.nil.
update add ns6.other.nil 600 in a

S:dlz:Thu Jun 21 17:13:57 EDT 2012
A:System test dlz
I:no response from ns1
I:ns1 died before a SIGTERM was sent

I:testing that rndc stop updates the master file
I:check that 'nsupdate -l' with a missing keyfile reports the missing
I:check that changes to the DNSKEY RRset TTL do not have side effects
I:check notify with TSIG worked (12)
I:exit status: 1

Other that then, the tests ran fine for me? This is on Fedora 17


> From: dan.lut...@level3.com
> To: bind-us...@isc.org
> Subject: Compiling and testing on Fedora
> Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2012 23:33:08 +0000
> Hi all,
> I've had a major problem with using Fedora Core (10 through 15), when compiling 
and running "make
> A:System test acl
> I:Couldn't start server ns2 (pid=17344)
> S:allow_query:Wed Jun 20 23:21:47 GMT 2012
> T:allow_query:1:A
> A:System test allow_query
> I:Couldn't start server ns2 (pid=17368)
> S:addzone:Wed Jun 20 23:22:01 GMT 2012
> T:addzone:1:A
> A:System test addzone
> I:Couldn't start server ns2 (pid=17393)
> S:autosign:Wed Jun 20 23:22:15 GMT 2012
> T:autosign:1:A
> A:System test autosign
> I:generating keys and preparing zones
> I:Couldn't start server ns1 (pid=17734)
> S:builtin:Wed Jun 20 23:22:35 GMT 2012
> T:builtin:1:A
> A:System test builtin
> I:Couldn't start server ns1 (pid=17755)
> S:cacheclean:Wed Jun 20 23:22:49 GMT 2012
> T:cacheclean:1:A
> A:System test cacheclean
> I:Couldn't start server ns1 (pid=17776)
> I'm running the "bin/tests/system/ifconfig.sh up" script, and see the "lo:1" through 
interfaces come up. I don't have this problem on any of my Solaris systems, 
just the Fedora servers. I
do have several lo: interfaces already defined, and they cannot be removed
> Has anyone seen such an issue, and if so, how did you fix it?
> Dan Luther
> Operations Engineer
> Systems Operation Engineering
> Level 3 Communications
> One Technology Center, Tulsa OK 74103
> p: 918-547-4370
> e: dan.lut...@level3.com
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