I am doing load testing on our local caching dns.But while doing it , i added google dns and some other dns ips as forwarder to test QPS. Even if I am not using any forwarder in that case also, I am having those same error which i was getting.

I am confusing that those errors are due to bind misconfiguration or something else?

If someone share his experience with it, What are the maximum QPS handled by bind? that is good to understand more.

Hi Ben,
At 05:37 11-07-2012, Ben wrote:
Actually, I am doing load testing with my CACHING DNS SERVER, and for that i setup one client machine which sent queries to CACHING DNS SERVER, and while doing this , i got below given erros in log.So is point to any network problem or any fine tunning / configuration required to bind?

I am using google public dns ips as forwarder in named.conf

Are you doing load testing on Google's DNS server?


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