Hey there folks,

I was just going back through the good ol' cricket book, and ran into the following:

"If you use multiple nameserver directives, don't use the loopback address! There's a bug in some Berkeley-derived TCP/IP implementations that can cause problems with BIND if the local nameserver is down. The resolver's connected datagram socket won't rebind to a new local address if the local nameserver isn't running, and consequently the resolver sends query packets to the fallback remote nameservers with a source address of When the remote nameservers try to reply, they end up sending the reply packets to themselves."

Given that this same text is in the fourth edition of Cricket & Paul's book as well, I'm assuming this was an old bug (pre-BIND 9) and has long since been fixed. Could someone point me to a bug report and/or changelog for this? A quick Google search for 'bind resolver source address bug' didn't yield much.

John Miller
Systems Engineer
Brandeis University

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