On Fri, 21 Sep 2012, Robert JR wrote:

> i have the minimum value in my dns server as 60 mins, and my TTL is 60
> Seconds , but still when users hit a non exist record , the other dns hold
> the negative cache for 60 secs instead of 60 mins .. ? why ? 
> $TTL 60
> 201208281 ; serial, todays date + todays serial #
> 8H ; refresh, seconds
> 2H ; retry, seconds
> 4W ; expire, seconds
> 1H ) ; minimum, seconds
> ;
> Although my configuration above, all DNS servers that query my server, cache
> the non exist record for 60 seconds only and not 60 mins
> As mentioned in my configuration ? any ideas why ?

See RFC 2308 in regards to Caching Negative Answers about how the auth 
server returns an SOA for a NXDOMAIN:

``When the authoritative server creates this record its TTL
is taken from the minimum of the SOA.MINIMUM field and SOA's TTL.''

It used the the smaller TTL.

I often see the reverse -- for example, the SOA's TTL is 7200 and the 
MINIMUM is 3600, so the returned record (in the auth section) has the 
TTL as 3600.
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