I just installed BIND 9.9.1-P3 from source and while looking through the query 
log files I noticed that IP addresses were being resolved:

27-Sep-2012 12:01:56.512 client (host.foo.com): query: 
www.ibm.com ...

In my other servers which are running the redhat packaged version of BIND 
(9.8.2), my query logs look like:

27-Sep-2012 14:04:03.523 client query: www.amazon.com ...

The logging section of the configuration looks like:

channel query_log {
   file "/var/log/queries/query-log" versions 100 size 1m;
   print-time yes;

category queries {

I'm sure there's something completely obvious that I've missed.  How do I stop 
BIND from resolving these addresses and just including the IP address in the 
log file?

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