On 20.09.12 19:49, Oscar Ricardo Silva wrote:
The current servers are configured to forward any queries for our domain straight to our authoritative servers:

I've been reading about the new zone type: static-stub and believe this may work better for us.

If I'm correct, it will send non-recursive queries to the listed servers and will honor delegations. I've tested this configuration in our lab and it all appears to be working.

With our configuration, are there any downsides to changing from forward zones to static-stub? Any gotchas I should know about? At this time we don't have dnssec validation turned on. We tried it and had too many problems with misconfigured domains not resolving properly so backed out.

typo forward supports "forward first" which is good if you have e.g. local
versions of blacklists but want to use standard resolution when your local
servers are unreachable.
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