On 10/17/2012 07:39 PM, Dennis Clarke wrote:

I have the exact same problem with an ip inside State of Colorado
General Government Computer subnet :


That's not exactly a fly-by-night organisation; have you contacted them?

Some server there has been pounding queries at me at a rate of
48,000+ a day :

Some packets are arriving with that source IP. Big difference.

It's possible (likely?) the sources are spoofed, and someone is inducing *you* to bombard that IP with replies (or trying to).

Queries show up in bunches, while the average is every 1.7 secs I see
dozens of queries all arrive nearly at the same time, then a ten
second pause, then again another burst.

Makes no sense to me what is going on there.

Attacker sends 1 million DNS queries of 100 bytes each, with a spoofed source. DNS server sends 1 million DNS replies of 1000 bytes each to the spoofed IP. 10x amplification, means the attacker can use lower-spec machines to overload a target.

Or something is just broken, and the source IPs are real - in which case, contact them.
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