
Running 4.1.1-P1 and we these also from iThings and androids. Tried to verify if the ones doing it where jail broke or something else in common but never got to the bottom of it. Enabling bootp, they continued to ask. We just continue to deny bootp for subnets that have no need for it and ignore them. Five doing it so far today out of 4200.

dhcpd: BOOTREQUEST from 14:5a:05:eb:dc:f3 via bootp disallowed


On 10/18/2012 8:42 AM, Dwayne Hottinger wrote:
I recently setup a new dhcp server.  In my logfiles yesterday I noticed
the following message:

  BOOTP from dynamic client and no dynamic leases

I checked the mac addresses of these clients and thus far they are all
ipads, ipods or iphones.  These devices have gotten ip's in the past.
  In my dhcpd.conf file I have:  deny dynamic bootp clients; .  I see
that Im handing out IP's for for the subnets, and my range should be
plenty big.   Has anyone else seen these messages with ipods, ipads or
iphones?   We have quite a few of these devices on the network now and I
want to ensure that they work correctly.   Im running dhcpd version
3.0.5 built from rpm on Centos 6.

Dwayne Hottinger
Network Administrator
Harrisonburg City Public Schools

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