> I don't think it's wise to respawn named without knowing why it crashed.
> This could lead to repeated crashed and system overload.

1. I have a system whose only reason to exist is running bind, once bind
stops I don't mind the whole system overload, crash or go to hell.
2. When I've seen that my bind is down, the first thing I did is restarting
it. I don't know why it crashed and probably never will, yet I don't see it
as valid reason to never start bind again.

You'd need to configure at least number of restarts allowed in specified
> time...

Agree. That's why there's a "restart limit 3 [times in] 10 [seconds] " in
my upstart job.

if it's production system, it should have backupe, shouldn't it?

Yeah, I don't see how it related though.

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