On Fri, Dec 28, 2012 at 07:57:24PM +0000, Phil Mayers wrote:
> Robin Lee Powell <rlpow...@cytobank.org> wrote:
> >
> >So I've got some IPv6-only VMs set up that need to talk to the
> >general internet for things like downloading packages.  As you
> >can imagine, this requires that they have NAT64 and DNS64,
> >because lots and lots of things are IPv4 only.
> >
> >The problem is that many things do *stupid shit* when given both
> >A and AAAA records for the same request on an IPv6 host.  In
> >particular, the issue I'm hitting now is that node.js simply
> >fails to try anything but the A record.
> >
> >I've actually got a workaround for this (puppet the AAAA in
> >/etc/hosts with the FQDN of the npm host), but it's kind of
> >unfortunate, and it would be nice to fix this at the BIND end if
> >possible.
> Really? It is normally the other way round.

Yeah, but pure IPv6 hosts are still relatively uncommon.

> One solution that springs to mind - a view that uses rpz to filter
> to NODATA but leaves v6 untouched.

How hard is that to set up?

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