On 01/09/13 08:39, Daniele wrote:
2013/1/9 Phil Mayers <p.may...@imperial.ac.uk <mailto:p.may...@imperial.ac.uk>>

    On 09/01/13 13:53, Daniele wrote:

        This is the scenario.

        I installed BIND9 via `apt-get` on a newly installed UBUNTU 12.04,
        virtualized on VirtualBox.
        The network works properly because if I indicate a different
        server from
        my own BIND9 (the first line of '/etc/resolv.conf' is, for
        `nameserver`) the lookups and any action on the
        Internet succeed.

    No, this assumption is not valid.

I meant that I can reach the Internet and, vice versa, the Internet can reach my terminal.

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Recursive queries that named does for a client are different than your machine as a dns client reaching out to Google's recursive service.

You need to have UDP & TCP port 53 open to your recursive server(the one running named) first of all. And if any network element within your network limits the size of UDP packets, you will have problems with EDNS0 queries.

On this box running named, try this:

dig +trace www.msn.com

dig +trace imperial.ac.uk

After dig gets a copy of the root servers from the local named, it will do the same type of queries that a recursive name server does.

Lyle Giese
LCR Computer Services, Inc.

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