On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 03:32:53PM -0500, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
> My registration is up for renewal; it expires 4/6/13 so this is a
> good time to move.  But of course my domain is locked and I can't
> see on NS account page how to change that.

Dyn can probably help you with how do get NetSol to unlock that :-)

> I was pointed to dyn.com, but they are not clear about how to apply
> for them just being a registrar and how to contact them for help.
> Either you are asking for their managedDNS service of go to their
> free community forum(s).

I assure you Dyn DOES support run-your-own-domain, since I set one up
a few months ago.  They do kind of hide that option (probably because
they want you to sign up for their managed DNS service).

Once you create an account and log in:

* Add Zone Services
* DNS Services
* I already have a DNS service for this domain
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