I am reading: https://www.isc.org/software/bind/faq and 'What has changed in the behavior of "allow-recursion" and "allow-query-cache" '.

I am struggling here trying to match up the various access control features, particularly when we are suppose to have different views for different clients.

So for my internal view where I:

    match-clients        { httnets; };
    match-destinations    { httnets; };
    recursion yes;
    allow-query        { httnets; };

Do I also add

    allow-query-cache        { httnets; };


And for the external view where:

    match-clients        { any; };
    match-destinations    { any; };
    allow-query        { any; };
    recursion no;

Do I add:

    allow-query-cache        { localhost; };

??? Supposedly localhost will fall into the internal view (along with httnet), so nothing should be querying cache?

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