In message <>, Robert Moskowitz writes:
> >>>>      dnssec-enable yes;
> >>>>      dnssec-validation yes;
> >> digging back in the archive here, I find out this should be
> >>
> >>       dnssec-validation auto;
> > Actually it can be either.  It's all a matter of how you want to
> > setup your trust anchors.  For private root zones it is absolutely
> > the wrong thing to do.
> I got this from some old messages from you on the subject of "no valid 
> signature".
> Perhaps tieing into my using the builtin root hints rather than 
> explicitly including a root.hint stub?
> Like the other person, once I changed from 'yes' to 'auto' I stopped 
> logging these messages so I ASSuME that now all those zones are being 
> validated.
> No private root zones here.  At least that I know of!

dnssec-validation auto; adds a implicit managed-keys clause for the
root.  If you just do dnssec-validation yes; you need to add a
explict trusted-keys / managed-keys clause.

managed-keys {
        . initial-key 257 3 8 

If you have islands of trust you will need to have managed/trusted
keys for them.  It is also a good idea to have managed/trusted keys
for your internal zones so you are not dependent on external zones
for internal lookups when your internet connection goes down.

Mark Andrews, ISC
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