For various testing reasons, I have been running a tld here of htt. It has worked of old and continues to work on my new 9.8.2 Centos servers. Problem came up from a namecaching server that 'forwards only' to my internal server. It cannot resolve any hosts in this tld and on the server forwarded to I see:

htt. is mastered on my servers and home.htt is slaved off of old server (that will get upgraded later). The host I want to access is repo.home.htt. From my 'regular' DNS servers this works well, but from the namecaching server that 'forwards only' to this server I get on the caching server:

Feb 27 09:52:48 klovia named[1703]: error (insecurity proof failed) resolving 'repo.home.htt/AAAA/IN': Feb 27 09:52:48 klovia named[1703]: error (insecurity proof failed) resolving 'repo.home.htt/A/IN':

and on the main server (at I see:

Feb 27 09:52:47 rigel named[9294]: error (chase DS servers) resolving 'htt/DS/IN':

what little research I have done directs me to htt is not signed? Of course home.htt is not either as that server is rather old (bind 9.6.2)

Interestingly when does a lookup in my regular domain I see:

Feb 27 11:16:14 rigel named[9294]: error (chase DS servers) resolving '':

So what am I missing here?

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