On Apr 27, 2013, at 4:18 AM, Alan Clegg wrote:
> On Apr 27, 2013, at 11:36 AM, SUNDAY A. OLUTAYO <olut...@sadeeb.com> wrote:
>> ISC should consider online training too, same linux foundation has done.
> As one of the ISC instructors, I will say that our classes are highly 
> interactive, both student-to-instructor and in the lab experience provided.
> I have yet to find any online training that comes close to what we provide in 
> person.

Agreed. Having given training both live and online, I can say that the online 
version was highly inferior to the live class. When I taught DNS and BIND 
courses for Men & Mice, the live interaction was a key component of the value 
of the class. You just don't get that remotely.

Chris Buxton
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