Why are you forwarding queries to the ISP? Implement your own caching
layer, I for one would never use/trust an ISPs caching servers. If I
want to resolve a domain I go direct to the source, not via a 3rd

On 19 May 2013 20:51, Narcis Garcia <informat...@actiu.net> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to solve this problem in some local networks, without
> intervention to client computers:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/avahi/+bug/327362
> These LAN have a BIND9 service to provide name resolving and caching for
> internet access, and I want to intercept the .local domain to give a
> NXDOMAIN response. The internet ISP returns positive values for .local
> queries, and I need that LAN clients receive NXDOMAIN instead.
> Can I create a zone file for .local domain and specify there NXDOMAIN
> values for SOA and A RRs? How should be the content of the zone sheet?
> Thanks.
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