> Have you looked carefuly enough, and to the correct file if there is no 
> missed character that makes the configuration invalid?
> Have you run named-checkconf with and without the given file as parameter?

The log message is new since bind-9.9.2-P2 with no changes to the configuration 
files. The section of code in check.c referred to in my original post has been 
changed from 9.9.2-P2 to 9.9.3. I still believe that the "if" statement in 
check.c as now coded in 9.9.3 accounts for the log messages. Named-checkconf 
gives the same messages with or without the "file" clause and whether or not 
the path to the file is correct, and this is also consistent with the way the 
"if" statement is coded. Thanks. Jeff.
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