On 21.06.13 13:35, Brian Cuttler wrote:
# /usr/bin/nslint -ddd -c /etc/dns-source/named.conf-test
nslint: doconf: opened /etc/dns-source/named.conf-test
nslint: doconf: opened nslint.conf
nslint: 0/131072 items used, 0 errors

Looking at "nslint" output on my machine, the nslint seems to have many
bugs and it may be questionable if there's point in using it.
However, I'll try to look.

Problem - I know there are errors. This is a sample of the errors
I see on my current production machine. Some are resolvable, some
are intractable (I don't know if nslint can handle parked domains).

Most of them are not errors from DNS point of view. Some are errors from
other reasons.

nslint: Missing "ptr": www.stemcell.ny.gov. ->
nslint: Missing "ptr": stemcellsny.com. ->
nslint: Missing "ptr": www.nyradon.org. ->

the PTR records for (stemcell.wadsworth.org) and
(www.wadsworth.org), however they visible from internet.
bogus warning.

nslint: in use by stemcellny.com. and nystem.com.

both those names point to the same IP.
bogus warning, maybe useful (how? I doubt so) as informational message.
nslint: Missing "a": sankoff.wadsworth.org. ->

The IP points to non-existing name sankoff.wadsworth.org. Define that name or remove that PTR.

nslint: Name referenced without other records: ns1.albany.edu.

The albany.edu is apparently not configured on your name server so nslint
can't handle it.
Bogus warning.

I know nslint but work, so it has got to be something I'm doing, but
I just don't see it.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

you may in fact keep it all as it is. However if you want to have clean
shield, there's one thing abovbe to fix (PTR to nonexistent name).

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