IMPORTANT: The security issue described below has been confirmed by ISC
to be 'in the wild' as of 18:00UTC July 26, and exploitation of this
vulnerability against production servers has been reported by multiple
organizations. Please be advised that immediate action is recommended.

A specially crafted query can cause BIND to terminate
CVE:                   CVE-2013-4854
Document Version:      2.0
Posting date:          26 July 2013
Program Impacted:      BIND
Versions affected:     Open source: 9.7.0->9.7.7, 9.8.0->9.8.5-P1,
                       9.9.0->9.9.3-P1, 9.8.6b1 and 9.9.4b1;
                       Subscription: 9.9.3-S1 and 9.9.4-S1b1
Severity:              Critical
Exploitable:           Remotely

   A specially crafted query that includes malformed rdata can cause
   named to terminate with an assertion failure while rejecting the
   malformed query.

   BIND 9.6 and BIND 9.6-ESV are unaffected by this problem.  Earlier
   branches of BIND 9 are believed to be unaffected but have not
   been tested.  BIND 10 is also unaffected by this issue.

   Please Note: All versions of BIND 9.7 are known to be affected,
   but these branches are beyond their "end of life" (EOL) and no
   longer receive testing or security fixes from ISC. For current
   information on which versions are actively supported, please see


   Authoritative and recursive servers are equally vulnerable.
   Intentional exploitation of this condition can cause a denial
   of service in all nameservers running affected versions of BIND
   9.  Access Control Lists do not provide any protection from
   malicious clients.

   In addition to the named server, applications built using libraries
   from the affected source distributions may crash with assertion
   failures triggered in the same fashion.

CVSS Score:  7.8

CVSS Equation:  (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:C)

For more information on the Common Vulnerability Scoring System and
to obtain your specific environmental score please visit:


   No known workarounds at this time.

Active exploits:

   Crashes have been reported by multiple ISC customers.  First
   observed in the wild on 26 July 2013, 18:00 UTC.


   Upgrade to the patched release most closely related to your
   current version of BIND.  Open source versions can all be
   downloaded from  Subscription
   version customers will be contacted directly by ISC Support
   regarding delivery.

   BIND 9 version 9.8.5-P2
   BIND 9 version 9.9.3-P2
   BIND 9 version 9.9.3-S1-P1 (Subscription version available via DNSco)


   ISC would like to thank Maxim Shudrak and the HP Zero Day
   Initiative for reporting this issue.

Document Revision History:

   1.0 Phase One Advance Notification, 18 July 2013
   1.1 Phases Two and Three Advance Notification, 26 July 2013
   2.0 Notification to public (Phase Four), 26 July 2013

Related Documents:

   Spanish Translation:     planned
   Japanese Translation:
   Portuguese Translation:

See our BIND Security Matrix for a complete listing of Security
Vulnerabilities and versions affected.

This Knowledge Base article
provides additional information and Frequently Asked Questions about
this advisory.

If you'd like more information on our product support or about our
Subscription versions of BIND, please visit

Do you still have questions?  Questions regarding this advisory
should go to  To report a new issue,
please encrypt your message using's PGP
key which can be found here:

If you are unable to use encrypted email, you may also report new
issues at:


   ISC patches only currently supported versions. When possible we
   indicate EOL versions affected.

ISC Security Vulnerability Disclosure Policy:

   Details of our current security advisory policy and practice can
   be found here: ISC Software Defect and Security Vulnerability
   Disclosure Policy

This Knowledge Base article
is the complete and official security advisory document.

Legal Disclaimer:

   Internet Systems Consortium (ISC) is providing this notice on
   an "AS IS" basis. No warranty or guarantee of any kind is expressed
   in this notice and none should be implied. ISC expressly excludes
   and disclaims any warranties regarding this notice or materials
   referred to in this notice, including, without limitation, any
   implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
   purpose, absence of hidden defects, or of non-infringement. Your
   use or reliance on this notice or materials referred to in this
   notice is at your own risk. ISC may change this notice at any
   time.  A stand-alone copy or paraphrase of the text of this
   document that omits the document URL is an uncontrolled copy.
   Uncontrolled copies may lack important information, be out of
   date, or contain factual errors.

(c) 2001-2013 Internet Systems Consortium

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