On 22/08/13 11:10, Manish Rane wrote:
Hmm...can you be please more elaboration. I mean in that case how the IP
addresses or A records will be removed as the one CNAME entry is pointed
to 2 hostsnames. Or would you want to monitor www.lb.example.com
<http://www.lb.example.com> instead of www.example.com
<http://www.example.com> and keep example.com <http://example.com> as a
static entry?

I am sorry I am bit confused here.

You create "www.example.com CNAME www.lb.example.com" and leave it alone, forever

You then update "www.lb.example.com" to add and remove IP addresses as servers come online and offline, respectively.

You don't monitor the hostname - that would be idiotic. You monitor the backend webservers directly, and put the working server IPs into www.lb.example.com.
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