Is it possible for one to configure BIND or any DNS implementation for the 
I was forced to search for this forum because the exigences of my situation 
necessitates a cloud. But yet, in a cloud:
1. I cannot be systems administrator, even if, I don't know yet, if the company 
can give me administrator privileges. 

2. The IP address of the machine will not possibly be my own because the 
machine will be shared by numerous subscribers to the cloud infrastructure. 
3. I know that like all other users, i will be given set of user privileges 
that are restrictive. 

So, i am doubtful if my intentions are possible?

Although, the domain name and zone administration recourses to me.
With this constraints, is it possible for cloud DNS to be possible? I have this 
site in mind:, where i intend paying for server space. 

odimegwu david
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