I've just set up an RPZ using a third party feed. I am getting lots and
lots of "info" and "warning" messages in the logs. However, I am not sure
whether they actually are indicative of a problem I that may be impacting
operations or just a "nice to know" about something over which I have no
control anyway (like lame server whining).

I see several types of messages, "time outs,"

"2013-11-08 15:06:53 PST","daemon","WARNING","named[32015]","client (ads1.msads.net): rpz NSIP rewrite
2-04-0073-0006.cdx.hwcdnlb.net via cdx.hwcdnlb.net NS db_find() failed:
timed out"

And "duplicate queries,"

"2013-11-08 15:06:50 PST","daemon","INFO","named[32015]","client (ads1.msads.net): rpz NSIP rewrite
2-04-0073-0006.cdx.hwcdnlb.net via cdx.hwcdnlb.net unrecognized NS
db_find() failed: duplicate query"

And a generic failed "failure,"

"2013-11-08 15:06:34 PST","daemon","WARNING","named[32015]","client (
rpz NSIP rewrite
f.08.s.sophosxl.net NS db_find() failed: failure"

And my favorite reason, which I won't bother to include a log entry since
they're all on internal zones other readers couldn't troubleshoot anyway,

I can't find any documentation of what these mean and if they are cause for

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