On 13/11/13 22:21, Carl Byington wrote:
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On Wed, 2013-11-13 at 16:49 -0500, Barry Margolin wrote:
It means that users will have to wait for an arbitrary
number of timeouts before the browser can give them an error message.

Well, the browser *could* of course give a message like "I have tried $N
out of $M possible ip addresses with no success - do you want to abandon
this?" at any time while trying that collection of ip addresses.

The other approach is to try them all in parallel, sort of like ipv4 and
ipv6 parallel connection attempts in http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6555

Parallel is bad - they *should* be stagged by $RTT*$FACTOR, otherwise you just flood the link with SYN & SYN/ACK packets, all but one of which are wasted, and may have consumed bandwidth, buffer space, NAT and firewall session resources, to name but a few.

I think there are better solutions than publishing an enormous list of A/AAAA records, personally, and I think it's good that browser manufacturers aren't blasting out 6 SYNs every time someone types www.google.com...
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