On Mon, 16 Dec 2013, blrmaani wrote:

> ok, so, If I have mysql DNS tables converted to sqlite3 format (binary 
> files) and then upload to BIND10, how do I do it?

Enable the auth server using the bindctl interface:

 config add Init/components b10-auth
 config set Init/components/b10-auth/special auth
 config set Init/components/b10-auth/kind needed
 config commit

The datasources should have a default configuration, like:

data_sources/classes/IN[0]/type "sqlite3"
data_sources/classes/IN[0]/params       {"database_file": 


config show data_sources/classes/IN[0]/params
to see where you should put your database file.

> I will also try digging code meanwhile ..

Have fun

  Jeremy C. Reed
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