I doubt you'll get help without providing configuration data for master and slaves and exact log and error messages.

But I'll take one blind guess. DNSSEC validation enabled and your in-addr.arpa zones are not delegated and not in DLV?

In my configuration IPv4 Reverse zones (which are DNSSEC signed) transfer just fine.

Not helpful without my configuration? That's the point. Post yours with the log messages showing the transfer attempts & failures and maybe someone (else) will help.

Timothe Litt
ACM Distinguished Engineer
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On 19-Dec-13 13:11, Daniel Lintott wrote:

I have two BIND DNS servers both running 9.9.4-P1.

I have configured them as master and slave, but have a strange issue.
The IPv4 reverse zone, fails to transfer to the slave.

I have tested the AXFR from the command line and this also fails with

Out of 5 zones (3 forward, 1 IPv6 reverse, 1 IPv4 Reverse) the IPv4
reverse zone is the only one which fails.

The configuration on the master is the same for all zones.

Any ideas?


Daniel Lintott

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