On Jan 10, 2014, at 1:32 PM, Howard, Christopher Bryan 
<christopher-how...@utc.edu> wrote:

> For reference: 
> BIND 9.9.4-P1
> CentOS 6.4
> 64bit arch
> We use RPZ to CNAME all of the “bad” domains over to a catch-all type server 
> that can display a message to the user.  Until recently it has been working 
> perfectly (or we thought it was :-P ).
> The problem:
> RPZ appears to have stopped working properly about a month ago and we didn’t 
> notice it until a domain we specifically added kept resolving.  After doing 
> some spot checking, a large portion of the domains in the RPZ zone work as 
> expected.  However, some of them are still getting recursively resolved.  I’m 
> at a complete loss as to why this is happening.
> We were running BIND 9.9.3-P2, but I upgraded it to 9.9.4-P1 in an attempt to 
> fix it, with no luck.  I’ve flushed the cache on all of our servers, I’ve 
> restarted the service on all of our servers.  I’ve not restarted the actual 
> servers, but I don’t think that would get us anywhere.

Did you accidentally move from RPZ 2 (via patches) to RPZ 1 (included in BIND)?

I shot myself in the foot with this…

Alan Clegg | +1-919-355-8851 | a...@clegg.com

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