On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 2:15 PM, Mark Andrews <ma...@isc.org> wrote:
> Why does the *need* to be info as the existing patches works other
> than for the version file which for the fix by hand is pretty
> obvious or you can just leave it as it is in 9.9.4-P2.

The patch devs have been silent on their site, and on this list.  NBD
-- their choice, of course.

Who, other than you, has said anything about *need*?

You're of course welcome to use/apply any undocumented/unsupported
patches you choose to.  Otoh, I choose to use as close to a release
product as I can functionally get away with.

I, personally, have zero interest in playing the lab-rat to determine
what secondary/hidden effects there _might_ be by using even an
'obvious' patch that's been, in effect, abandoned.

Tho, now that you mention it, one DOES wonder that if it's so
'obvious', why ISC is waiting until 9.10.x to include it in the code

In any case, my question was what the diffs are, and any hints on downgrading.

That's all taken care of, so - thanks.
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