
We can't get working whitelist with rpz.
On a Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS Server we have bind9 9.8.1-P1 and some rpz with
'policy CNAME xxx.xxx.xx' working fine. Now we have a whitelist with 'policy
No-Op' but the whitelist will be ignored.

Response-policy {
        zone "whitelist.rpz" policy NO-OP;
zone "whitelist.rpz" {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/whitelist.rpz";

We have tested the same Config with passthru policy (instead of No-Op) on
bind9 9.9.4, because we read that 9.8.1 could have issues with the No-Op
The new version of bind and the new policy don't work either.

Is this still an issue or has anybody been able to run a

All the best an thanks for your answers.

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