On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 06:00:42PM +0000, Mike Hoskins (michoski) wrote:
> From:  <BONNET>, Frank <frank.bon...@esiee.fr>
> >is there a link to a documentation that lists the main differences
> >between BIND 9.8 and 9.9 ?
> >
> >I would like to read it before swiching from 9.8
> I generally browse the release notes.
> https://kb.isc.org/category/81/0/10/Software-Products/BIND9/Release-Notes/

Note as well that 9.9 is the current Extended Support Version. BIND9 
version 9.10 is presently in alpha, probably soon to be beta, so 
depending on your needs that could be another branch to consider.
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