On 4/29/2014 3:12 PM, Roberto Carna wrote:
Dear, I have this scenario:

1) Windows DNS with dynamic update zone (Windows clients)

2) BIND with manually update zone (Linux and Cisco clients)

Is there any way to transfer all BIND zone records to the Windows DNS
in order to have just one and complete zone in the Windows DNS server

Not really, but, supposedly, modern versions of BIND understand GSS-TSIG, so you could, in theory, have the clients (or their DHCP servers) perform their dynamic updates to BIND, and that's what would host the "one and complete zone", which you could slave/stub as you wish to other DNS instances in your environment (e.g. Windows boxes), or have them resolve them iteratively if you have enough of a delegation chain to support that (e.g. an internal root zone). You'll have to kick the manual-editing habit, however, since it's too risky and/or disruptive to manually edit a dynamic-update-enabled zone. Use nsupdate instead.

You didn't mention Active Directory, but if that's what you're faced with, you could delegate the "underscore" zones to deal with that (see http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2009/2/1/235152/2142)

                                        - Kevin
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