Mart van de Wege <> wrote:
> The only difference I *can* see is that this particular slave zone
> occasionally gets a lot of updates in a single day, which is when this
> problem seems to be triggered.

Is there an MTU problem between your slave and the master? Or a problem
with fragmented UDP? I wonder if something is screwing up large IXFR
packets, causing your slave to get stuck - that might explain the
timeout messages in the log.

It is a bit difficult to properly test IXFR because dig will only do it
over TCP (it ignores the +notcp option for AXFR and IXFR). And you can't
force named to use TCP for IXFR, so getting named and dig to behave the
same is tricky...

You could try setting "request-ixfr no;" to see if AXFR (over TCP) works

f.anthony.n.finch  <>
Shannon: Northwest 5 to 7, decreasing 4 or 5. Rough. Showers, squally at
first. Good.
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