Hi everyone,

I'm about to start DNSSEC validation on my resolvers (BIND 9.8) but
wanted to know beforehand if there was a way to disable DNSSEC
validation for particular domains.  I searched the archives and found
the answer to be "no" (at present time).

This change is going to impact thousands of users for us and I'm a bit
worried about it.   How do you deal with DNSSEC bogus data?  I know that
one should inform the corresponding party (SOA email record perhaps?)
and be a good netizen but, what if these efforts fail?  Do you
temporarily become "authoritative" for that zone? or do you tell your
users: "sorry, it's not on us; it's their fault"?

Thanks in advance.


p.d. I know there are DNSSEC mailing lists out there but wanted to know
about BIND admins (where you currently don't have the option to disable
validation for given domains).
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