Why would you expect them to succeed?  If you use DLV you are
expecting anything for which DLV is used as a trust anchor to be
safe from being spoofed.  The *only* way this can happen is to fail
if the DLV lookup fails for any reason.


In message <53fc7b35.6040...@redhat.com>, Tomas Hozza writes:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hello.
> I found out that when bind is configured as recursive resolver with
> dnssec-lookaside set to 'auto' and dlv.isc.org is unreachable, all
> lookups for unsigned (UNSECURE) names fail even if the validation
> succeeds (IOW the validation of NSEC3 answer proves that DS does not
> exist so domain (name) is not signed).
> I tested it with one server set up as forwarder running on
> configured not to answer queries for dlv.isc.org (query will timeout).
> I have bind (9.9.4-P2) configured with:
> forward only;
> forwarders { port 80; };
> recursion yes;
> dnssec-enable yes;
> dnssec-validation yes;
> dnssec-lookaside auto;
> Doing a lookup for (unsigned) google.com A record times out:
> # dig @ google.com A
> ; <<>> DiG 9.9.4-P2-RedHat-9.9.4-15.P2.fc20 <<>> @ google.com A
> ; (1 server found)
> ;; global options: +cmd
> ;; Got answer:
> ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 12157
> ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1
> ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
> ;google.com.                  IN      A
> ;; Query time: 4 msec
> ;; SERVER:
> ;; WHEN: Tue Aug 26 14:08:03 CEST 2014
> ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 39
> in named log I can see:
> ...
> 26-Aug-2014 13:45:49.126 validating @0x7ff9745af3d0: google.com DS: in authva
> lidated
> 26-Aug-2014 13:45:49.126 validating @0x7ff9745af3d0: google.com DS: resuming
> nsecvalidate
> 26-Aug-2014 13:45:49.126 validating @0x7ff9745af3d0: google.com DS: looking f
> or
> relevant NSEC3
> 26-Aug-2014 13:45:49.126 validating @0x7ff9745af3d0: google.com DS: looking f
> or
> relevant NSEC3
> 26-Aug-2014 13:45:49.127 validating @0x7ff9745af3d0: google.com DS: looking f
> or
> relevant NSEC3
> 26-Aug-2014 13:45:49.127 validating @0x7ff9745af3d0: google.com DS: NSEC3
> indicates potential closest encloser: 'com'
> 26-Aug-2014 13:45:49.127 validating @0x7ff9745af3d0: google.com DS: NSEC3 at
> super-domain com
> 26-Aug-2014 13:45:49.127 validating @0x7ff9745af3d0: google.com DS: looking f
> or
> relevant NSEC3
> 26-Aug-2014 13:45:49.127 validating @0x7ff9745af3d0: google.com DS: NSEC3 pro
> ves
> name does not exist: 'google.com'
> 26-Aug-2014 13:45:49.127 validating @0x7ff9745af3d0: google.com DS: NSEC3
> indicates optout
> 26-Aug-2014 13:45:49.127 validating @0x7ff9745af3d0: google.com DS: in
> checkwildcard: *.com
> 26-Aug-2014 13:45:49.127 validating @0x7ff9745af3d0: google.com DS: looking f
> or
> relevant NSEC3
> 26-Aug-2014 13:45:49.127 validating @0x7ff9745af3d0: google.com DS: NSEC3 at
> super-domain com
> 26-Aug-2014 13:45:49.127 validating @0x7ff9745af3d0: google.com DS: looking f
> or
> relevant NSEC3
> 26-Aug-2014 13:45:49.127 validating @0x7ff9745af3d0: google.com DS: in
> checkwildcard: *.com
> 26-Aug-2014 13:45:49.127 validating @0x7ff9745af3d0: google.com DS: nonexiste
> nce
> proof(s) found
> 26-Aug-2014 13:45:49.127 fctx 0x7ff97a28a440(google.com/DS): received validat
> ion
> completion event
> 26-Aug-2014 13:45:49.127 validator @0x7ff9745af3d0: dns_validator_destroy
> 26-Aug-2014 13:45:49.128 fctx 0x7ff97a28a440(google.com/DS): nonexistence
> validation OK
> 26-Aug-2014 13:45:49.128 fctx 0x7ff97a28a440(google.com/DS): clone_results
> 26-Aug-2014 13:45:49.128 fctx 0x7ff97a28a440(google.com/DS): done
> 26-Aug-2014 13:45:49.128 fctx 0x7ff97a28a440(google.com/DS): stopeverything
> 26-Aug-2014 13:45:49.128 fctx 0x7ff97a28a440(google.com/DS): cancelqueries
> 26-Aug-2014 13:45:49.128 fctx 0x7ff97a28a440(google.com/DS): sendevents
> 26-Aug-2014 13:45:49.128 validating @0x7ff974046c80: google.com A: in
> dsfetched2: ncache nxrrset
> 26-Aug-2014 13:45:49.128 validating @0x7ff974046c80: google.com A: plain DNSS
> EC
> returns unsecure (google.com): looking for DLV
> 26-Aug-2014 13:45:49.128 validating @0x7ff974046c80: google.com A: looking fo
> r
> DLV google.com.dlv.isc.org
> ...
> This looks to me that the result of DNSSEC validation of A record
> for google.com proved that it is UNSECURE.
> However the validation using DLV proceeds and fails in the end since
> dlv.isc.org can not be resolved.
> Doing a lookup for (signed) nic.cz A record succeeds:
> [root@unused-4-247 ~]# dig @ nic.cz A
> ; <<>> DiG 9.9.4-P2-RedHat-9.9.4-15.P2.fc20 <<>> @ nic.cz A
> ; (1 server found)
> ;; global options: +cmd
> ;; Got answer:
> ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 25002
> ;; flags: qr rd ra ad; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1
> ; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
> ;nic.cz.                              IN      A
> nic.cz.                       1163    IN      A
> ;; Query time: 7 msec
> ;; SERVER:
> ;; WHEN: Tue Aug 26 14:12:21 CEST 2014
> ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 51
> I think this behavior (with unsigned records) may not be completely correct.
> I think since the chain of trust built from the root server proves that
> the domain name is not signed, the following unsuccessful validation using
> DLV should not make the whole lookup fail.
> However I might be wrong, so asking on users list before submitting a bug.
> Thanks!
> Regards,
> - -- 
> Tomas Hozza
> Software Engineer - EMEA ENG Developer Experience
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