Hello John,

Thanks for taking the time to respond.

For the journal files could i force the dump every time i do an update ?  
nsupdate… rndc freeze/thaw boom everything in sync.   I know that normaly you 
wait 15 minutes and that bind does that for you but we do not have that much 
load and it would provide us with a safety net regarding a crash?  But then 
again I’m pretty confident a 15 minutes lost of update data is acceptable for 

For your main solution let me get this…

My master with VIP gets the dynamic updates and since I have an also-notify 
configured he pushes the updates to my warm-stand-by server running a named in 
what mode?  Master also?   But since no one has this server configured as a 
resolver he doesn’t get requested until I flip the VRRP VIP and restart bind?  
That could very well work for us BUT what if I want to push an update to this 
“warm stand-by server”?  Since he’s also a master it should work no?  And 
resyncing back to first master……. This is not an easy one if we do not use 
shared storage.

To be able to use a backend database I would have to upgrade my bind version 
no?  It’s why people use the new map format?  I’m pushing for it (want 
named-journalprint from 9.8 tools) and it would be nice but I’m afraid the 
support team will have an heart attack from too many changes at the same time 
(it’s a government organization so it’ssssss waaaayyyy sllllooowwww).  That is 
also why we are running on RHEL5.7 and not 6 even if every new server deployed 
is on RHEL6.3.

They are planning Infoblox appliances (I’m actually using those on another 
project) but since it’s the production servers it might take at least a year 
before they start the project.  Dynamic updates prepares this so their world 
will not fall apart in one shot.

Puppet is used but only on non-system related config… so I would have a tough 
time for them to accept this but at least I’m advancing towards my goals ☺



De : John Miller [mailto:johnm...@brandeis.edu]
Envoyé : jeudi 11 septembre 2014 17:02
À : BERTHIAUME Eric (UA 2148)
Objet : Re: Promoting slave to master DNS server with dynamic updates

Hi Eric,
Depends on how long you can live without dynamic updates, and how many dynamic 
updates it's acceptable to lose in the event of a master failure.  Journal 
files are synced every 15 minutes, so in the event of a master failure (in a 
single-master situation), you've lost at most 15 minutes' worth of updates.  
Stand up a new master (with config management software, doable in a few 
minutes), and you're good to go.

But why have just a single master?  If you're worried about the primary going 
down, just have a warm standby ready to go.  To keep zone data in sync, you 
could use shared storage, a replicated database (BIND does support a database 
backend), or perhaps some sort of also-notify configuration.  To do the 
failover itself, you could use something like Pacemaker/Corosync, ucarp, or 
similar.  Just pass a VIP back/forth between the two -- your NS records would 
only use the VIP.
The big issue I see with converting a slave to a master is that you'd have to 
change all of your zone definitions, change your named.conf, and do so under 
time pressure.  Then, when the master came back online, you'd have to change 
your zone definitions again.  With config management software, not that hard to 
do, but servers are cheap these days -- easier just to create a failover pair 
(or group) for your master, then stand up as many slaves (doing update 
forwarding) as you need.  If you purchase a DNS appliance (Infoblox, 
SolidServer, Bluecat, etc.), this is how they handle things.
Separate issue: you might think about trying out RHEL 6 -- it's using a much 
newer version of BIND which has some updated tools (particularly rndc 
freeze/thaw, HTTP stats interface).

On Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 4:48 AM, 
Hello DNS gurus,

New on the list, I’ve been tasked by my manager to revamp our dns 
infrastructure.  I think this list is the best place to get answers.

Bind 9.3.6-16 running on RHEL5.7

Right now everything run’s on manually editing zone files but we have recently 
integrated vmware orchestrator (automatic deployment of linux vm’s) in the mix 
and that complicates things for automated processes.  Add Autosys to this and 
you have one big messy DNS infrastructure and of course no team wants to change 
their work flows (classic).

So I’ve written a basic script that would allow everyone (admin’s, vmware, 
autosys) to use dynamic updates with nsupdate for all tasks.  Everything works 
dandy but a simple question remains:

If the primary goes down for whatever reason, how can we quickly continue to 
update our DNS records on the secondary?  What are the options?

-          Classic slave/master change manually editing the named.conf?  What 
happens to everything in the jnl file on the master if it crashes before the 
dump and zone transfer?  Lost?

-          Nsupdate special ninja trick?  Read something about updating the SOA 
through dynamic update but didn’t fully understand that process.

-          Pray that we get the primary up?

The last option would normally be the logical choice but like I said our DNS 
infrastructure is a mess and those autosys process control DNS records for 
their “failover” feature (yeah I know) so we need a super-lightning-fast switch 
if we do not want production to stop.

Of course the best solution would be something automatic but I haven’t seen 
anything anywhere.  If it’s manual so be it maybe I would be able to write a 
script that could be used by support and minimize human errors.
I’m already at least pushing for a more recent bind version and of course if a 
special feature exist (maybe I’ve missed it) that provides an easier solution 
that would be a super argument to push for something with more features.

Thanks in advance.


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John Miller
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