In message <>
, Casey Deccio writes:
> Hi Alexei,
> On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 2:31 PM, Alexei Malinin <>
> wrote:
> > Thank you for the explanation.
> >
> > I'm sorry for the misleading Subject of this thread, of course I meant
> > "delegation NS records".
> >
> >
> No problem.  I knew what you meant :)
> > I understand from your reply that there are no technical means, tools,
> > etc for verifying delegation NS records in the parent zone if the child
> > and parent zone are on the same authoritative name server and zone
> > transfers from that server are prohibited. Is my conclusion correct?
> >
> >
> Yes.  If any parent authoritative server is *not* authoritative for the
> child, then the delegation records can be identified by querying *that
> server* for a referral.  Otherwise, the delegation NS RRset cannot be
> gleaned from outside queries.
> There is one slight exception to this.  You *can* learn if the parent has
> *no* delegation records at all by using a DS query.  This is a corner case
> but sometimes happens if the operator has neglected to place the
> appropriate delegation records in the parent zone and doesn't see the
> problem because, excepting a DS query (for which the *parent* is
> authoritative, for DNSSEC purposes), the NS response always come from the
> child when both parent and child zones are hosted on the same server.  If
> you query a server authoritative for both parent and child for DS, an
> NXDOMAIN response means that the parent has no delegation records for the
> child.
> For example:
> $ dig +noall +comments +authority
> ds
> ;; Got answer:
> ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 30614
> ;; flags: qr aa rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0
> 3600    IN    SOA
> 2014120402 86400 3600 604800 86400
> The SOA record indicates that the response indeed came from the parent zone
> (, and the NOERROR response indicates that there
> are delegation NS records for in the parent zone.
> Casey

With all this said a RFC 2317 parent really should let their zone
be transfered as the child zone administrator needs a local copy
of the zone for when their external link goes down.  If they do not
have a local copy then reverse lookups will fail once the cached
CNAME records expire.

If your ISP uses RFC 2317 and doesn't allow you to transfer the
zone go find a ISP knows what they are doing.

Mark Andrews, ISC
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