> On Dec 15, 2014, at 12:38 AM, Manuel Ramírez <manuel.rami...@grupoica.com> 
> wrote:
> Hello,
> We have bind 9.8.4. P2 with many registers delegated to Link load
> balancer (we have two public ip´s range and linkproof acts as a dns
> balancer).
> Now we need to add the ipv6 AAAA register for all those registers that
> are in ipv4 delegated to the link balancer but this balancer doesn´t
> support ipv6.
> So we have the ipv4 register as NS and the same register in ipv6 as
> AAAA.I thought that when i ask for the ipv4 register the link balancer
> should show the two public ip´s and when i ask for the AAAA register,
> the dns shows the ipv6 ip, but is not like this.Doesn´t matter i ask
> for ipv4(ns) or ipv6(AAAA), always obtent the ipv4 ip delegated to the
> link balancer.
> Is there any way to achieve the ipv6 register, despite the same
> regiter is created in ipv4 and delegated to the load balancer,resolves
> the AAAA record type?

It's not entirely clear what you're trying to do, but perhaps if you tell us an 
example name that isn't behaving how you want, we (the list membership) can 
take a look.

It sounds like you might want different addresses in the additional section of 
the response depending on whether the request for for an A record or a AAAA 
record. If so, that's not possible.

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