Hello Folks,

I'm running a Primary Master Bind Version 9.3.2 on a crusty old Solaris 9 Sparc box that is starting to act up. Needless to say I need to move this service onto new Hardware/OS ASAP.

I've got a 9.81 Version up and running on Ubuntu 12.04 ( installed via the latest pkg available) but am unclear how to best proceed in migrating the live zone files to it AND minimize any downtime in the service.

Should I configure the newer build as a "secondary master or slave" first, then make it the master after I see that it works/behaves properly ?

Or should I migrate the configuration and zone files over and bring down both old and new then change the IP in the new build to the old NS's IP then bring it up ?

Also, I can see that the Debian version has a slightly different config file arrangement, but looks like this should NOT be an issue as long as I migrate the data over appropriately.

Thanks for any insight on how to best proceed here !

John Goubeaux
Systems Administrator
Gevirtz Graduate School of Education
UC Santa Barbara
Education 4203C
805 893-8190
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