On Tue, 27 Jan 2015 11:16:04 +0530,Mukund Sivaraman <m...@isc.org> wrote:

>Meanwhile, please can you enable statistics-channels in named.conf and
>send us a dump of the XML statistics along with process sizes reported
>by ps when named grows very large?

I run the small script below every 5 minutes in a cron job

The result can be seen at http://ns4.jth.net/bind

There is no extreme memory leak running since Jan. 7th, but memory usage is 
slowly increasing from
70 MB till now 161 MB.
In any case using 161 MB RAM serving 623 small authoritative zones and rarely 
any recursive lookups
seems to me wildly out of proportion.
Disk space of zone files is 5,4 MB.
The developers of BIND ought to revisit the memory usage of BIND.   

# extracts the memory usage of named into a file

touch /var/www/html/jth.net/bind/bind_rss_history.txt
RSS=`ps -aux | awk '/^named.*named/{print $6 " " $5}'`
NOW=`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"`
echo "$NOW $RSS" | awk '{printf "%10s%10s RSS %11sKb VSZ 
%11sKb\n",$1,$2,$3,$4}' >>
GET ""; >/var/www/html/jth.net/bind/s`date +%F-%H-%M.xml`
exit 0

In named.conf the configuration is

statistics-channels {
  inet *  port 8053 allow { verytrusted; };
  inet ::  port 8053 allow { verytrusted; };

options {

        zone-statistics yes;
- Jørgen Thomsen

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