I could also have called the subject of this mail 'augmented reality'.

I pay to use an RBL.  The RBL has provided me a license key that I simply
tack onto their domain name like 1234-1234-1234.some-rbl.com.  As normal,
queries go to something like to query
the if the ip address is in their rbl.

Here's my problem.  As mail passes through my system and is marked up by
spamassassin, spamassassin kindly puts the domain name including my license
key into the headers when someone is on this rbl.

One way I thought about solving this would be to put make my local caching
bind do a sort of "alias" or "augment the reality" of this domain locally
for me.  For example create a local version of xxxx-xxxx-xxxx.some-rbl.com
that when I query it, my local dns server turns around and queries
1234-1234-1234.some-rbl.com (plus any sub domains tacked on).  So in my
spamassassin conf, I would only put xxxx-xxxx-xxxx.some-rbl.com.  Thus, my
license key would never leak out and I wouldn't have to modify anything in
spamassassin.  I hope this is clear.

Is this possible?  It's like I need to create my own version of the zone
file for some-rbl.com but only part of it (the one line) and for everything
else, it is looked up normally by looking up some-rbl.com.  If so, how
might I do this in bind?


Michael Grant
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